Origin Tea Newsletter August 2020 Edition
Hello Tea Lovers,
We're changing things up a bit around here. Since people love bite sized information, we are giving this new style for our newsletter a go.
This month, we have several fun bits and pieces to show you. Firstly, a 'COVID19 Work from home' blog to understand how this has been working for us at Origin Tea.
We also have a cafe of the month feature that has some of the most amazing views and food in NSW.
Introducing, the 'Wall Of Fame' where we feature all our lovely customers' stories on Instagram. And finally a fun section called 'Tea Time Tidbits' where we share one piece of fact, info, etc that'll arm you for the perfect 'did you know' situation with your friends or family.
COVID19 work from home guide.
Grab yourself a cuppa because we're diving deep into the nitty gritty pros and cons of working from home. In this blog we go through the best parts of being in the comfort of your home while you smash out those task, but also talk about the cons of doing work while sunk deep into your comfy living room couch.
Cafe of The Month - Inner Light Tea Rooms, NSW
This beautiful cafe has breathtaking panoramic views of Port Stephens and an excellent menu with cafe classics.
Facebook: Inner Light Tea Rooms
Best dish: Chilli Scrambled Eggs
Coffee: Amanti Coffee
Wall of Fame
Every month we ask our awesome tea lovers to take a picture of their favourite Origin Tea products and post it on their Instagram and we feature their shots on our story. Some of the best get to be featured on our newsletter as well.
This month we're excited to feature these 5 best shots and some of their stories.
If you'd like to get a chance to be featured, just tag us in your post on Instagram with @OriginTea or use the hashtag #ExperienceTheOrigin
Tea Time TidBits
There are many things to talk over tea. News, politics, arguments over what to talk about during tea time, and such. We'll pick your brain with a tiny tidbit to make you go, 'hmm' as you breath out some air in mild amusement.
#1 Milk First or Tea First?
That is the question
This burning question has bugged people for a long time similar to the 'chicken and egg' conundrum. And unlike the conclusive answer the previously mentioned conundrum has, the milk/tea-first/last question has been around for a while, mostly based on cultural practices rather than cold-hard facts.
According to Fortnum & Mason, milk went in the cup first before the hot tea to keep poor quality china from cracking. So putting the milk in first would mean your cups would stay intact.
This was a measure of social class and meant the higher the quality of cups you had, determined when the milk went in the cup.
Now that these days of judging social position by this sort of thing are long gone, we say pour your milk in whenever you like.
Happy Sipping!